What we do… Practices and Products Explained
What is Mindful Movement?
Gentle stretches to release tension in physical body, conscious breathing with movement, inviting in spaciousness and a shift in energy. Your attention and focus shifts to noticing and feeling what your body does while engaging in movement. It is a whole-system focus (mind, body and speech) and practice of being aware of your body’s intelligence - this integration practice recognises how different our own body and mind are in their ‘parts’ yet works in finding a beautiful commonality and support - as in our external environment we also have an internal environment that we need to nurture. Mindful movement allows you to recognise the capability and potential of your true Self.
What is Coaching with Neuroscience?
Neuroscience is the study of the brain and the nervous system and how these systems function physiologically to transform sensory stimuli into output, actions and/or reactions. Coaching is another transformative process of guiding and enabling change within a coachee for positive outcomes.
Coupling these two provides a deep impact emphasis of self-awareness about how one’s brain is wired to process information, learn and create habits while simultaneously using that awareness to dismantle self-limiting beliefs, doubts, anxieties, narrow perspectives and biases. This enables a new road map to be created that will form positive habits, thoughts, perspectives and actions.
Thus, neuroscience-based coaching can redirect your brain to minimise (and eventually negate) the pathways that block your potential by forming fresh and productive ones that override it — thereby creating lasting, beneficial impact.
Advanced Practitioner in Coaching with Neuroscience.
Homeopathy is both a science and an art and embodies what we envision as a truly twenty-first century medicine. Homeopathy is a sustainable healing system that respects the wisdom of the body and recognizes that symptoms of ill health are expressions of an imbalance in the whole person.
Homeopathy works, and it does so in both a gentle and effective way. It is a system that uses minute doses of medicine to stimulate the patient’s own healing responses and individualises these according to the totality of the patient’s physical emotional and mental symptoms. Homeopathy is a truly holistic and sustainable system of medicine that seeks to restore the patient to health in the gentlest, most effective and permanent way possible. The restoration of a patient’s health is realised according to clearly established and proven homeopathic principles.
Homeopathy is therefore holistic and treats individuals rather than diagnosed diseases, it also recognises that people function on several levels and that illness is often a result of factors like stress, grief or anxiety for example. These factors are all taken into account when prescribing during the homeopathic consultation. Therefore the Homeopath will treat a person as a whole with every aspect of their person being taken into account during treatment with the aim of restoring health and well-being.